Not simply relying on manual dot projecting tool, when users are trying to make highly clear dot alignment at quite long work distance, it is a quite efficient solution to adopt blue laser diode module. It is performing differently from a simple blue laser pointer. When it is adopting external electric power source of 5V DC input power supply, after basic use of inner cooling system and APC, ACC driving circuit board, this dot laser alignment tool achieves excellent thermal emitting and increasing stability blue laser dot projection in continuous use.

When blue laser diode module gets easy use of external DC input power supply, it is accepting wide range electric current within 100V to 240V. In continuous blue reference dot projection, it is getting the largest space leaving for inner metal heat sink cooling system. Cooperated with APC, ACC driving circuit board, even though blue dot laser projects extremely powerful and intense blue laser light, however, the intelligent feedback system is projecting alignment laser from any increasing temperature. When it gets enough time leaving for tube cooling down and operates within 8 to 10 hours per day, it achieves excellent laser light cycling use and long lifetime.
Comparing with advanced 473nm blue DPSS laser system, blue laser diode module is only projecting moderate brightness blue laser beam from beam aperture, thus always keeping even more stable blue dot projection in continuous use. According to quite easy adjustment of laser beam focus, intense blue laser light is immediately focusing, and then generating quite satisfied dot positioning result at great distance. When 445nm blue laser diode gets mass production, even though blue dot laser alignment keeps moderate accuracy, however, it is a quite competitive price for any industrial dot aligning works.
Whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, 5V DC power blue laser diode module is projecting extremely powerful blue laser beam and highly clear blue dot at great distance. The special functions of overheating and over current protecting have just assured the most reliable dot projection in multiple application fields. During the process of continuous blue laser dot alignment work, under the highest attention to powerful blue laser radiation and reflection, and correct wearing of laser safety goggles, this alignment laser achieves high security dot alignment in long distance effectively.