Whenever users are looking for an easy used dot aligning tool, it is just a perfect substitute for user to apply a blue dot laser module, other than a simple blue laser pointer. Owing to advanced use of import 445nm blue laser diode and qualified glass coated lens inside highly durable metal housing tube, it is just quite practically used device of blue dot laser module. This compact size tube made blue laser alignment just allows quite easy installation and adjustment, thus making sure of a high speed and high accuracy blue dot measurement onto various working surfaces effectively.

According to the use of an external AC/DC adapter, not the same as formal alkaline battery power source, this 445nm blue dot laser module is able to work with continuous blue laser beam and blue reference dot projection from beam aperture. It is making easy dot indication onto any vertical or horizontal surface. At the same time, owing to the use of import 445nm blue laser diode up to 50mW to 100mW, after correct use of 5V or 9V 1000mA DC power supply, this blue laser alignment is keeping work with high intensity blue laser light emission, and highly clear blue dot alignment as long as 25 meters.
Every time blue dot laser module is available on the market, it has just passed through a series of strict laser beam stability tests. For instance, according to a series of tests, including super rapid electric current adding test, alternative high and low temperature changing test and up to 24 hours aging preventing tests, under correct use by skilled users or professionals, it just achieves superior nice laser light cycling uses. It is also achieving extremely clear blue dot alignment for both long distance and long time use. Within continuous blue alignment laser dot projection of 8 to 10 hours, after enough time leaving for tube cooling down, it just achieves highly stable and clear dot alignment in all application fields.
Whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, after special use of APC, ACC driving circuit board, 445nm blue dot laser module is keeping work with constant output power and electric current supply. It is preventing any possibility of tube burning out or damage, but always maintains clear dot indication and long operating lifetime of more than 8,000 hours under proper use. After high attention to any thermal energy hurt to human eyes and wearing laser safety goggles, high power blue dot laser alignment should be operating with proper adjustment of laser beam focus, it just achieves high accuracy and high speed blue dot measurement for all industrial and high tech dot positioning works perfectly.