Whenever dot measuring work is not processing with simple manual or mechanical dot aligning tool, a lot of users would prefer to seek help from a 445nm 50mW blue dot laser module. It is always performing with highly intense and visible blue laser beam directly from 445nm blue laser diode. According to its advanced use of qualified glass coated lens and cooling system inside highly durable metal housing tube, this dot laser alignment is just ensuring quite easy installation, and highly clear blue reference dot indication onto any vertical or horizontal surface constantly.

According to use of 445nm 50mW blue dot laser module, it would be an easy job to make clear enough dot indication after its use of DC power source. The adoption of AC/DC adapter accepts wide range electric current of 100V to 240V. At the same time, only if it is selecting correct operating voltage of 9V 1000mA DC power source, not affecting by any increasing temperature and serious electric current impact, this blue laser alignment is just able to work with highly visible blue laser beam, and extremely clear blue dot alignment at quite long work distance of 25 meters.
The usual use of 445nm blue dot laser module is continuing for quite long time and maintaining good laser beam stability in continuous use. It applies the most qualified glass coated lens, after special equipment with glass window in front of laser beam aperture, it is achieving good beam transmittance, and good beam stability blue dot indication under increasing temperature and serious electric current impact etc. Whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, only if it is keeping work with within 8 to 10 hours per day, this blue dot laser alignment just gets good laser light cycling and no appearance of laser light decay or blur in continuous use.
Within long time continuous dot projection, 445nm 50mW blue dot laser module is always keeping work with constant output power and electric current supply. The special use of APC, ACC driving circuit board is protecting alignment laser from increasing temperature, but assuring the most reliable dot alignment and long serving lifetime of more than 8,000 hours. According to quite easy screw of adjustable focus optic lens and proper installation onto any other machine or device, alignment laser just assures the most concentrated blue laser light and the most compact size blue dot indication. When users are paying high attention to any thermal energy hurt to human eyes and wearing correct laser safety goggles, avoiding any eye exposure to beam aperture, high power blue dot laser just makes safe and no decay light measurement perfectly.