Not always relying a lot on manual line printing or drawing works, in order to make real line alignment result much more precise and accurate, it is becoming quite nice experience to make use of a 50mW separate crystal lens blue laser line generator. It is an industrial stabilized laser line alignment tool. When it gets basic design of inner thermal emitting system a1nd continuous electric power source, after correct selection of optic lens degree and proper installation, it achieves immediate and high accuracy line projection at great distance.

The usual use of 50mW blue laser line generator is applying for quite long work distance. It is employing 445nm blue laser diode up to 50mW. When it is projecting highly intense and visible blue laser beam at several miles far away, it is producing highly clear and fine blue reference line within the maximum work distance of 25 meters. This direct diode emission blue laser module gets enough space leaving for inner metal heat sink cooling system. When blue laser line projection is processing for quite long time, within daily operating time of 8 to 10 hours, it is workable with excellent laser light cycling use and highly stable blue line projection use.
For the most important of all, after the adoption of the most qualified separate crystal lens, 50mW blue laser line generator is emitting non Gaussian distribution blue laser light. Especially in occasion of quite long distance line projection at quite long distance, blue laser line is available with same brightness from middle part towards both ends. After quite strict laser beam stability tests up to 24 hours, in any type of industrial laser line alignment work, blue laser module is keeping highly clear line projection, without any appearance of laser light decay or dim in any occasion.
Whatever kind of working surfaces it is pointing, even though some of working surface it is not easy to reach, 50mW separate crystal lens blue laser line generator enables quite easy installation and adjustment. On basis of the easy use of a laser alignment mounting bracket and special designed electric wires extension for both alignment laser and DC power supply, this alignment laser is easy to reach any targeting surface. Any exposure to powerful blue laser radiation and reflection might cause serious eye damage seriously. According to high attention to laser safety issue and correct wearing of laser safety goggles, this blue line laser achieves high security line alignment constantly.