In any working occasion where users are trying to make the most accurate and finest line projection at much longer work distance, it would be quite nice chance for users to try 100mW blue line laser module. It is a quite nice technical innovation part of advanced 445nm blue laser diode. According to quite special use of external DC input power supply and basic inner cooling system, this laser line generator is becoming a real and industrial stabilized line alignment tool. On basis of proper installation and adjustment of both laser beam focus and laser line targeting direction, it achieves quite satisfied line positioning result in distance.

Comparing with any other visible laser devices, 100mW blue line laser module is only generating moderate brightness blue laser light from beam aperture. However, when it is generating moderate brightness blue laser light directly from 445nm blue laser diode, although not as bright as similar color 473nm blue DPSS laser system, this laser line generator is only adopting quite small size tube diameter of 16mm. When 445nm blue laser diode gets mass production, after production into a real laser line alignment tool, it is still available with quite low price and extremely stable line projection in continuous use.
When line projecting work is processing for quite long time and long distance, high power 100mW blue line laser module is in need to generate highly clear and straight blue reference line in use. Under special use of qualified glass coated lens, available with different fan angle of 10 to 110 degree, this line laser alignment tool is projecting various length blue reference line in use. It enables quite easy adjustment of laser beam focus, every time highly intense blue laser light is focusing from beam aperture, this alignment laser will make sure of the highest level of accuracy line projection at great distance immediately.
After quite easy use of DC input power supply, supporting with 9V 1000mA electric current supply, 100mW blue line laser module is keeping continuous and highly clear blue line projection. It is preventing any serious electric current impact and overheating, which is always maintaining highly stable and reliable blue line projection and long lifetime in proper use. Every time the most powerful blue laser light and thermal energy are generating from beam aperture, under the highest attention to laser safety issue and easy wearing of laser safety goggles, this industrial stabilized alignment laser achieves high security and high precision line generation in distance efficiently.