If users are trying to make extremely accurate and fine enough line projection on various raw material surfaces, it is not an easy job at all before selecting a quite professional device correctly. At the same time, when laser tech engineer is developing an advanced laser diode tech applied blue line laser module, being made with high intensity laser light emitted 445nm blue laser diode and qualified glass coated lens, it is just able to work with improving laser beam stability and highly clear blue reference line projection in distance efficiently. According to correct selection of output power and optic lens degree, without serious relying on professional skills or extra time spending on prior line printing work, this laser lien generator is always workable with the most precise and convenient line projection in distance perfectly.

When users are trying to make continuous line alignment in distance, it is far more enough for users to only use a simple line printing device. It is not efficient enough to get high work efficiency in any precise device manufacturing works. However, only after quite easy connect with a DC input power supply, blue line laser module will make immediate line projection on desired working surface. It is employing 445nm blue laser diode as its laser beam emitting source, being made with import laser diode tech, after production into a real line aligning device, it is workable with improving beam stability and highly clear blue reference line projection in continuous work.
In process of highly clear line alignment in distance, it is required to generate extremely fine and straight line on desire working surface. Blue line laser module is employing the most qualified glass coated lens or separate crystal lens. When it is trying to work with continuous line projection in distance, this qualified lens made laser line generator gets selected optic lens degree within 10 degree to 110 degree. In occasion that it is getting wide range line length within 0.5 meter to 6 meters, this blue line laser is not only workable for formal industrial line measuring work, but also making highly clear line generation for special fields, including laser show, laser displaying, military targeting and other laser medical therapy etc.
When line alignment work is processed for quite long time, it is still in need of quite high level of beam stability. On basis of the adoption of APC, ACC driving circuit board design, this alignment laser keeps the most efficient preventing of electric current impacting, and then achieving the best line aligning performance for quite long time. Within maximum work distance of 25 meters, after high attention to laser safety measure and proper wearing of 445nm wavelength preventing laser safety goggles, this industrial stabilized bue laser line alignment tool gets secured and accurate line alignment perfectly.